and i want to know how much an associates degree costs for teachers
i looked at this website but it says nothing
so can i please have an estimation??
thanks (:How much do associate's degrees cost for teachers in south texas?The website for South Texas College has a menu for future students. Included in that is a link for tuition and fees:
An associates degree is usually about 60 units. So take the tuition price for whatever your situation is (in-district, out-of-district, or non-resident) and the number of units you will take per semester and do the math.
For instance, you may be in-district and taking 15 units. The chart above indicates that the tuition would be $945 dollars. If you multiply that times 4 (four semesters) you will have a rough idea of the tuition costs.
In addition you would have various fees to pay - parking, lab fees (for science classes), etc. The cost of books is steep now-adays. You can count on $200-300 per semester for books and supplies.
Fill out the FAFSA and follow the directions on the financial aid page - its well worth the work involved.
Be sure to explore and read through as much of the college website as you can. There's a ton of information there that can help.
Academic Counseling http://studentservices.southtexascollege
Library (note that you can chat with a librarian if you have other questions)
Assuming you are going to transfer and continue with a bachelors degree, be sure to explore the college(s) where you think you might transfer. You will want to check on which courses at STC will transfer.
Good luck. Its a great investment in your future.