this house is a 1500 square feet, old rectangular, brick ranch style house. One story. I was thinking in the range of $2000 but not sure. ThanksHow much does
it cost to paint the exterior of a house?Same size as my house, but depends on whether you are doing yourself or hiring a painter. That sounds like plenty to me; however, depends on area of country you live in, bigger cities to me would charge more e
xpensive prices. Go to a place like Lowe's or Home Depot and give them estimated measurements and they can give you an idea of how much paint you will need. Don't forget under the porch and under the carport if you have the open type carport. Hope this helps. Depends also on shape of paint that is on house now, if painter will have to do a lots of %26quot;scraping%26quot; off old paint. Just get estimates with hime supplying paint and with you buying paint.How much does it cost to paint the exterior of a house?It may cost something a little higher maybe 2250-2500$ but it can depend on the contractors you hire. Hope that helps!How much does it cost to paint the exterior of a house?Hi Marc
Honestly in my opinion, I would not paint the brick. If the home being older needs a clean up, perhaps give it a good power washing and clean and brighten the brick up a bit. I would focus the repainting (and replacing if necessary) on wood.There are more steps involved then just painting brick. The brick work will need to be primed first before painted with a sealer as brick is a porous material.If you are thinking $2000, then maybe a good rule of thumb is to half or double that amount.Thus being the horrors of home ownership, we think one amount and it is usually twice as much on any given project! Any estimate from a painter ( if you are hiring someone ) that comes under that amount will be a savings to you. Lastly, the estimates from painter costs is as previously said in other answers completely dependent upon where you live. Good Luck :o)How much does it cost to paint the exterior of a house?Square footage of the house means nothing.
The prep work, priming, etc. are what the contractor will bid on. Get 3 estimates.
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