Friday, September 23, 2011
How much does it cost to have a scratch on a car painted?
I hit a car in front of me and it caused a thin white line barely noticeable. so i didn't want to report it to my insurance because of the deductible but can anyone tell me about how much something like this costs pleaseHow much does it cost to have a scratch on a car painted?if you go to the store and buy a spay can of car pant it'l only cost you a few bucks to fix it yourselfHow much does it cost to have a scratch on a car painted?Try rubbing out the white line with a light duty %26quot;rubbing compound%26quot; which is like car wax but has some abrasive in it to remove surface problems like yours. Also buy a touch up paint stick for your car and touch up the scratch carefully. Then use the rubbing compound to smooth it over into the surface after the paint dries a day or two.How much does it cost to have a scratch on a car painted?how bad..if it just nees to b buffed out [ 100 dollars] if it nees bondo..primer..paint..300 to 500